Marvelous Dinachi

Dinachi is a Food and Nutrition consultant, a backlink builder and a food blog writer from Lagos Nigeria, he grew up loving comics and have a lot of interest in creating good Nutritional awareness.

sickle cell

Six Food Types to Benefit People with Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is an inherited disease that causes the red blood cells to be deformed, shaped like a sickle.  This prevents the proper and normal flow of oxygenated blood to all parts of the body.  Also, due to their sickle nature, they sometimes cluster in blood vessels causing severe pain and other health complications. […]

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Orange-coloured grains of cooked rice with red and pink pieces of pepper and tomato

How To Make Tomato Based Jollof Rice With Fried Fish

Jollof rice is a delicious African dish (made mainly in West Africa).  The West African countries have a special delight in this dish and also have different ways of preparing it.  In Nigeria, jollof rice is a traditional and popular delicacy.  It is known for its mouth-watering sweetness and flavourful aroma. Apart from the wholesomeness

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